all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 2AA 2 2 51.25392 -0.745873
GU11 2AD 28 0 51.250714 -0.752995
GU11 2AH 1 1 51.249215 -0.755758
GU11 2BP 1 1 51.259258 -0.757379
GU11 2BS 1 1 51.261281 -0.758973
GU11 2BT 3 3 51.255217 -0.76471
GU11 2BX 1 1 51.259421 -0.75254
GU11 2BY 3 1 51.260293 -0.7591
GU11 2BZ 1 1 51.259258 -0.757379
GU11 2DD 6 3 51.25665 -0.749061
GU11 2DF 1 1 51.257303 -0.745996
GU11 2DG 1 1 51.255516 -0.751275
GU11 2DN 2 2 51.259627 -0.757383
GU11 2DU 1 1 51.250363 -0.754624
GU11 2EB 42 0 51.269355 -0.73873
GU11 2ED 16 0 51.26992 -0.738571
GU11 2EE 17 0 51.270271 -0.738561
GU11 2EF 14 0 51.271361 -0.737915
GU11 2EG 7 0 51.270655 -0.737547
GU11 2EL 33 0 51.269869 -0.73635